
Privacy Policy

hitam. protect the privacy of hitam. customers seriously and will only collect, record, retain, store, disclose and use your personal information as described below.

Data protection is a matter of trust and customer privacy is very important to hitam.. Therefore, hitam. will only use the customer’s name and customer-related information as stated in the following privacy policy.

hitam. will only collect information that is hitam. need and hitam. will only collect information relevant to transactions between hitam. with customers.

hitam. will only convey customer privacy information as long as required by law or as long as the information is still relevant to the purpose for which the information was collected. Customers can visit the hitam. platform (as described in the terms & conditions) and browse without having to provide personal information.

As long as the customer visits the hitam. site. hitam. customer identity will stay awake and hitam. will not be able to identify hitam. customers, except hitam. customers have an account on the hitam. site and log in using the hitam. customer’s username and password.

Personal Information Collection

  • hitam. not distribute or trade customer personal information obtained online.
  • The hitam. personal information collect is only limited when you create an account on the official hitam. website, namely:
      1. E-mail
      2. Password
      3. First name
      4. Last name
      5. Billing address (billing address) :
          • First name
          • Last name
          • Company name
          • Email address
          • Phone number
          • Address
          • Province
          • Postal code
          • County town
          • Districts
      6. First name
      7. Last name
      8. Company name
      9. Email address
      10. Phone number
      11. Address
      12. Province
      13. Postal code
      14. County town. 

The personal information mentioned above is used and prioritized for the following purposes:

  • Sending the latest information related to hitam. via e-mail (you are given the freedom to unsubscribe by unsubscribe),
  • Execute your order process (provide your information to third parties, for example to couriers),
  • Deliver shipments of hitam. products. which you have ordered.

Disclosure of Personal Information

  • hitam. may disclose your personal information in certain situations or conditions—for example situations or conditions that are urgent because they involve the safety of life or health or for law enforcement purposes based on the laws in force in Indonesia.

Updating Personal Information

  • You can update your personal information by accessing the official hitam. website. If you need assistance, please contact our customer service.

Changes in Privacy Policy

  • hitam. reserves the right to change or modify the privacy policy at any time. These changes will be notified to all customers at least seven days before they take effect.
  • Complaints or Feedback About Privacy Policy
  • If you are not satisfied with the explanation of hitam.’s privacy policy or just want to submit a suggestion, please contact us via e-mail at info@hitamlegam.com.
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